miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008

Educational Telecollaboration
What’s a telecollaborative activity?

it is an educational endeavor that involves people in different locations using Internet tools and resources to work together. Much educational telecollaboration is curriculumbased, teacher-designed, and teachercoordinated. Most use e-mail to help participants communicate with each other.

Telecollaborative activities can offer many educational benefits to their participants. The nature of these benefits depends, in large part, on the specifics of each activity’s design, and how well
what the activity makes possible matches the learning needs and preferences of participating students.

What is telecollaboration?

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Yes, It is very important to take into account this technology tool in our class because most of the students today use it with their friends. We could say the technologies tools are part of their lives.

Anónimo dijo...

It is good but, what do U think about this? has it lots of benefits? tell us your viewpiont toward this,please.

jesus dijo...
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